Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I want my Potty Post-Its!

This one passed along to us from the SleepyMom files:

My wife went to Target today. She's had trouble at Target before (a fiasco a year or two back regarding her attempt to return, with receipt in hand, a movie or CD or something and Target's steadfast refusal to take back their own item-- it even still had the sticker with the big Target Bulls-eye on the cellophane wrapper-- just a week or so after it'd been purchased, because Target had discontinued carrying the item).. So I could have told her she should've known better-- but I try to avoid being that kind of guy.

Anyway, she went to Target.

And in their Dollar aisle, she found what she described as the perfect stocking-stuffer item for her brother: a set of post-it notes in the shape of an open toilet. Yes, my wife and her brother have an interesting relationship, no doubt.

She grabs the post-its, figuring this will be the laugh of the day come Christmas morning. She does her other shopping, and then heads to the check-out where the cashier takes the post-its, scans them, and the register makes a loud beeping noise. The cashier looks at the display and, much to my wife's shock and dismay, puts them in a bin under the register.

"These are a recall item," says the cashier.


"This item has been recalled. I can't sell it to you."
Talk about bait and switch. Call it the bait and swipe. What kind of store puts items on display and then tells you, once you've made the emotional leap of faith, that you cannot take that item home??

Heartless Target!

And my wife, mother of my children, holder of two advanced degrees in English Literature, found herself standing in a Target uttering the words "But I want my Potty Post-Its!"

Thursday, July 14, 2005

How sweet!

I never get tired of watching the Yankees beat the Red Sox.
But does it get any better than watching A-Rod jack one out in the top of the 9th off Mr.-Let's-Rub-It In-Their-Faces himself, Curt Schilling? To win it?

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The 36 Hour headache

Oh, what a long dark hour of the soul we have been through these last few days.
You know, you'd think almost four years of fatherhood would have prepared me for this.
But I guess every now and then your body has to remind you who's really in charge.

So, without boring you with a long, blow by blow description, suffice it to say that on Monday a kind of mild lingering headache I'd noticed at some point during the day blossomed into a 101 degree fever and a humDINGER of a headache. And no amount of Tylenol or Ibuprofen had any effect. None.

Got home and found that Aidan had struck a similar temp, so I guess one of us gave it to the other.

And while the fever kind of came and went, the headache remained pretty constant for TWO FREAKIN' DAYS!

I'd have liked to put a drill bit through my forehead.

So today is Wednesday-- I've been out sick from work for two days-- and at 5:30pm tonight, I woke from a short nap and the headache was gone. Let the Chorus of Angels Sing! And so far (keep your fingers crossed) it's still gone.

Okay, so that was pretty much a blow by blow account...

So Aidan's fever broke sometime yesterday. When I went to the doctor today-- because, you know, the longest headache I've ever had has lasted about 30 minutes-- he reminded me that kids tend to get over these things much faster than adults do. He didn't seem to think it was any big deal-- once he'd ruled out Bacterial Menengitis, that is (!).

So I feel like I'm on the mend. We'll see how tonight goes.