Monday, March 05, 2007

Good Morning, Sun!

Well, when I brought the boys home yesterday evening from Mom and Dad's, they were both asleep. It was 5:30 and they'd had a full weekend of a) playing waaaaay past bedtime with friends on Saturday, and; b) eating breakfast, playing boardgames, throwing a ball in the backyard, and generally just having a grand time (as we do most Sundays) with Gramma and Grampa on Sunday.

So I figured-- let 'em sleep a bit. Figured, based on past experience, they'd probably wake up around 6:30pm or so, have something to eat, then want to read some stories and go back to bed.

Well, I'm some kind of fool, I guess, because not only did they not wake up-- they let me change them fully into PJs, in the dark, still snoozing away the whole time.. and they slept through, with a waking spell or two, straight through to 5:00 this morning.

My wife, who slept with them most of the early part of the night, got up and got them breakfast.. but by the time I got up at 6:00, Bryce had already had two breakfasts more or less, and was practically ready to go back to bed!

So suffice it to say, it was a long, busy, but fun weekend.. and far too early a Monday morning for any of us.

I am, I must say though, very grateful to my wife, SleepyMom, for letting me get that extra hour of sleep this morning.

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