Thursday, November 20, 2008

Movember: we're having a party!

It's confirmed. We're having a Mo Town Nash Stache Bash at the Big Bang on Broadway in Nashville.
December 5, starting at 5:30pm (Happy Hour!) and going til they shut the place down.
If you've never been to the Big Bang, you need to go. It's a great time.
And it'll only be better with our team there celebrating the end of Movember, having some drinks, taking lots of pictures, and handing out a few prizes..

If you're on Facebook, you can find the details and RSVP here.
If you're not on Facebook and still would like to RSVP, shoot me an email and I'll put you down.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Gauntlet, she is thrown down..

Our local Team Nash Stache is about to cross a milestone in its fundraising efforts for the Prostate Cancer Foundation-- we've nearly crossed the $500 mark!
That's a great achievement, thanks to generous donations from a good number of people. You can see an updated list of donors to each member of the team-- and also catch a few glimses of the Mo's in the making-- via their Mo Space Pages.
Here's the team:
Chris Chamberlain
Jackson Miller
Chuck Bryant
Justin Seiter
Tom Mason
Bo Hussung
Ryan Williams
Chad Riden
Brad Blackman

We're off to a great start and we're really going to do some good.

But I know we can do more!
We've got 11 days left in the month.. and there are 10 of us on the team.


That's our mark.
As the former Canadian Prime Minister, Jean Chrétien, might have said, "The gauntlet, she is thrown down."

Think we can make it?
I know we can.

And you can help. Just click here and make a simple $10 or $15 donation. Then pass the link on to a friend and let's see how high we can take this thing together.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Movember Day 16

It's the 16th Day of Movember.. the serious itchy-ness has passed... for now. But it's still very coarse and bristley.. my boys don't even want me to kiss them on the heads at this point. Maybe with a little more growth, it'll soften up?

Don't forget to hit my Mo Space Page to check progress and make a donation.

New Nashville Tech Podcast..

It sounds as though a few of the local Nashville Barcampers have brewed up a quasi-technology-oriented podcast. Jamie Meredith ( and Tom Cheredar ( are among the ringleaders. They've posted one episode so far and are, I'm told, in the midst of recording another one tonight.
Check it out:
I'm glad to see the BarCampNashville/ local technology-ish conversation expanding..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


On days like today, I try to take a little time to think about some of the truly amazing things people have done for our country, for the sake of freedom and democracy here and around the world.

In my own family, I think about three people, in particular.

First, my father. He served for 21 years, first in the Army and took part in the post-war occupation of Germany. Then, a few years later, re-joined in the Air Force and was involved in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars. This picture was taken in 1950 at a site in Troy AL. My dad is standing in the back row, third from the left.

My uncle, Pat, served in World War II as a medic in the Philippines. He was injured in combat there on May 8, 1945, after delivering aid to more than 15 of his wounded comrades. He was awarded the Silver Star and a Purple Heart.

And finally-- I've been thinking today about my father's first cousin, Kieran Culliton, who was killed in action on December 27 1944 when his bomber, a B-24 from the 707th Bomb Squadron in the 446th Bomb Group, was shot down over the North Sea. Just a year earlier, Kieran had graduated from Harvard University, class of 1943. In this photo, he's kneeling, 2nd from the left.

For these and other members of my family, and for all those who have served in the name of freedom and democracy, I am humbled and grateful.

Facial Hair against Prostate Cancer

So I'm spending the Month of November growing a moustache. Technically it's a Van Dyke right now.. and technically that's against the rules.. but I'll get to that in a second.

A few weeks ago, my Dad was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Based on all the tests they've done, things look like it'll be okay. Scans indicate that, as well as anyone can tell, the cancer doesn't look like it's spread. And, although the biopsy indicates the cancer is pretty aggressive, this particular kind of cancer is about 90% treatable. Dad's begun a kind of hormone therapy that, by all accounts, does an incredible job at stopping the cancerous cells in their tracks.

So we remain cautiously optimistic. And in another couple of months, they'll do some follow-up tests and we'll know if this therapy has been effective and go from there.

You may be asking-- What the hell does all this have to do with Facial Hair?

Fair question.

Coincidentally or not, around the time that all this was going on, I spotted this tweet from @kevinrose about some kind of fundraiser to fight prostate cancer. The fundraiser is run by a group called Movember-- working with the Prostate Cancer Foundation. It took a couple of days to percolate in my head, but pretty soon it all came together.

For as long as I've been alive, my Dad has worn a moustache. I've never actually seen his upper lip in person. So it just makes sense for me to do this. And hopefully, we can have a little fun in the process and raise a little money for a good cause.

Now my Dad is not someone wanting to be made over.. in fact, I'm not sure he's crazy about this idea in the first place.

So it's not much-- but it's a little something I can do. We've recruited a bunch of my local Nashville friends and acquaintances-- Team Nash Stache-- and we're all growing some Mo's and publicizing for a good cause.

Want to help? Here's what you can do:

If you'd like to 'donate to my Mo', you have two options:

1. Click this link and donate online using your credit card or PayPal account, or

2. Write a check payable to the ‘Prostate Cancer Foundation', referencing my Registration Number 1827631 and mailing it to:

Prostate Cancer Foundation
Attn: Movember
1250 Fourth St
Santa Monica, CA, 90401

All donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

The money raised by Movember is donated directly to the Prostate Cancer Foundation which will use the funds for high-impact research to find better treatments and a cure for prostate cancer.

Another option-- even though it's the 11th of November already-- it's not too late, if you'd like to join Team Nash Stache.

So come on and help us out. It's fun. And check out my Mo Space page for periodic updates. Who knows.. if I get to liking this thing, I might just keep it.