Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Gauntlet, she is thrown down..

Our local Team Nash Stache is about to cross a milestone in its fundraising efforts for the Prostate Cancer Foundation-- we've nearly crossed the $500 mark!
That's a great achievement, thanks to generous donations from a good number of people. You can see an updated list of donors to each member of the team-- and also catch a few glimses of the Mo's in the making-- via their Mo Space Pages.
Here's the team:
Chris Chamberlain
Jackson Miller
Chuck Bryant
Justin Seiter
Tom Mason
Bo Hussung
Ryan Williams
Chad Riden
Brad Blackman

We're off to a great start and we're really going to do some good.

But I know we can do more!
We've got 11 days left in the month.. and there are 10 of us on the team.


That's our mark.
As the former Canadian Prime Minister, Jean Chrétien, might have said, "The gauntlet, she is thrown down."

Think we can make it?
I know we can.

And you can help. Just click here and make a simple $10 or $15 donation. Then pass the link on to a friend and let's see how high we can take this thing together.

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