Saturday, April 07, 2007

Last Day of Sweetlessness

It's the Saturday before Easter.
Bryce says he wants Easter to be today. He wants to write the Pope.
"Dear Benedict... for the first time in 2000 years, what do you say we celebrate Easter on a Saturday?..."

So it's the last day of mandated sweetlessness for me.
Haven't looked back to see if I can quantify the affect this Lent has had, but I can tell you this.. although I've had the occasional craving for a bowl of ice cream, I haven't really missed the candy, donuts.. etc. The one hard moment of this whole experience was little Blaine's third birthday party across the street a few weeks ago. Big ole pieces of Lightning McQueen cake being passed around... Cake from Publix is so good and it was hard to pass up.

So here's what worries me: that I'll go back to my old habits. That one thing will lead to another and I'll be eating cookies and ice cream like I always used to. I'm down to ~240 (from somewhere in the mid-260's around the Holidays) and I think I've got something sustainable going here.

220 is the goal. 210 is the "stretch goal" (abhorrent corp-speech). How can I modify my approach to keep this up? Remains to be seen.

Pancakes this morning. Everyone's eaten their share but me. Now Bryce tells me I can "never ever eat [my] pancakes." What a coach.

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