Thursday, March 06, 2008

Who are your influences?

Bands have always talked about their early influences-- giving a little window onto those elements that factored into their early development and made them who they are today. Did you listen to the Beatles or Elvis? Zepplin or The Who? Ratt or Motley Crue?

Nick Hornby's novel, High Fidelity, which was of course later adapted (pretty well) as a film, gets into this quite a bit as Rob, the main character, is constantly sorting and resorting his record collection.. reorganizing and reprioritizing those little sentimental pieces of himself contained in those records-- the times and places and people they represent to him.

I think about this from time to time-- in terms of music, literature, television, even philosophy... all things that put a little structure in your brain, that affects how you think about things from that point on.. These are the things you find yourself going back to over and over again, referencing in conversation, using to define some abstraction in your head.. or maybe these are just the experiences of things you reminisce about when you have a little time to think about the old days.

So who would I list as my influences?
Pink Floyd
Led Zepplin
Star Wars
The Tom Baker Doctor Who
J.D. Salinger
Plato, Republic
Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit
Bill Buckley
Michael Ondaatje
The ClueTrain Manifesto
Hornby, High Fidelity (I can't leave it out after I mention it in explaining my point, can I?)

So who are your influences?

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